About the Journal

Objective: Digitally diffuse the progress of R&D activities accomplished at Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear, IEN.

Target audience: IEN's community of researchers and technologists; CNEN and MCTI managers, researchers and technologists; formal and informal research groups (researcher networks), scientific and technological research and development institutions, universities and companies in the productive sector.

Brief Background:

The Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear (Institute of Nuclear Engineering), has a vast background of technical-scientific publications aimed to share its production.
Nevertheless, the first publication in this current format, using "Areas of knowledge", appears in 2013 and the edition was under the responsibility of the Coordination of Technology and Innovation.
From this date on, the issues of Progress Report - PR IEN - followed the same pattern: besides to present the areas, the summaries are in english, to extend the reach beyond the Institute.

In 2015, a new area - knowledge - is introduced, and, in that same year, the journal access is possible through the OJS publishing platform.

This issue has the support of several IEN's sectors.




The PR IEN 2024 uses the OJS Platform to the entire abstract submission process.