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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text can occupy from two to three pages maximum and must be according to PR IEN available template.
  • The summary file must be in Microsoft Word format (.DOCX).
  • The research description will only be accepted in English.
  • The file size is up to 10 MB.
  • URLs for references were provided when possible.
  • The text describes objective, method, result and conclusion.
  • The text informs the used softwares and their respective versions.
  • The content of the summary is in accordance with "Author Guidelines".
  • All co-authors were listed on the platform (list of contributors) with their respective email addresses and institutions

Author Guidelines

  1. The entire summary must follow the item "Conditions for Submission": be in English, occupy from two to three pages, be according to the available template, be in WORD (.DOCX) format and have a maximum of 10 MB;
  2. The Progress Report IEN is a research report and therefore the content of the summary does not have to be unpublished and must refer to any original publication;
  3. The fact that the abstract refers to a work already published indicates that this work has already undergone a precise peer review, and in this case it is indicated to be published in the Progress Report IEN;
  4. The summary can report the complete or partial result of a survey. A research can have more than one result and each summary can express one of those results;
  5. Results of dissertations or theses defended or guided by an IEN researcher may have their summaries submitted, as long as supervisees and academic supervisors enter as co-authors of the work;
  6. IMPORTANT: A research summary with patent possibility will not be published. The IEN's NIT and the reviewers will note this fact in the sent abstracts;
  7. The summary must be clear and concise, and its structure must reveal the objective, method, result and conclusion;
  8. The summary title must represent its content, the figures must appear numbered and with title and the citations must be properly referenced;
  9. The work must belong to the IEN's scope, must mentioned in which laboratory was developed and if there were partnerships: in this case, the partnership must be mentioned;
  10. Sponsored research must mention the funding agency;
  11. The summary must be submitted to the correct section, remembering that the sections correspond to the IEN's activity areas;
  12. Any questions regarding the listed items, or anything that has not been addressed, should be directed to your session editor.

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The names and e-mail addresses informed in this journal are used exclusively for the services provided by this journal and are not available for other purposes or third parties.