Improvement of physical security at nuclear facilities using virtual reality


  • Márcio Henrique Silva IEN/CNEN
  • André Cotelli Espírito Santo
  • Eugênio Rangel Marins IEN/CNEN
  • Ana Paula Legey IEN/CNEN
  • Daniel Machado Mól UFRJ
  • Antônio Carlos Mól IEN/CNEN


Virtual reality, Physical security, 3D modeling.


The Brazilian nuclear program has reinforced the importance of improving the physical security of nuclear
facilities located in this country. Thus, the present work proposes the development of a new tool
that allows the user to make interactions inside a virtual environment, which simulates the nuclear
facility's structure, in order to aid on planning action strategies to improve its security. For such, a virtual
model of the Brazilian nuclear research center known as Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear (IEN), located
on Ilha do Fund~ao e Rio de Janeiro was developed. It is defined as a 3D model with a high degree of
fidelity to the real environment in which it is based. Inside this model, characters known as avatars can
move and interact in real time. Situations that could affect invader's visibility and detection such as
natural and artificial illumination, climate and shadows can be represented with realism. In addition, the
tool has a virtual CCTV surveillance system that allows environment supervising. Thus, the system makes
possible strategies simulation, allowing an evaluation of the performed procedures as well as assisting in
the training of security personnel in nuclear and radioactive installations.


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How to Cite

Silva, M. H., Espírito Santo, A. C., Marins, E. R., Legey, A. P., Mól, D. M., & Mól, A. C. (2015). Improvement of physical security at nuclear facilities using virtual reality. Instituto De Engenharia Nuclear: Progress Report, (2), 24. Retrieved from



Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemistry