A computer vision-based system towards safety for nuclear plants personnel


  • Carlos Alexandre Jorge IEN/CNEN
  • José Seixas COPPE/UFRJ
  • Eduardo Antônio Silva COPPE/UFRJ
  • Fábio Waintraub Poli/UFRJ
  • Antônio Carlos Mól IEN/CNEN
  • Paulo Victor Carvalho IEN/CNEN


detection, safety, video


This work describes improvements in a surveillance system for safety purposes in nuclear plants. The objective
is to track people online in video, in order to estimate the dose received by personnel, during working tasks
executed in nuclear plants. The estimation will be based on their tracked positions and on dose rate mapping in
a nuclear research reactor, Argonauta. Cameras have been installed within Argonauta’s room, supplying the data
needed. Video processing methods were combined for detecting and tracking people in video. More specifically,
segmentation, performed by background subtraction, was combined with a tracking method based on color
distribution. The use of both methods improved the overall results. An alternative approach was also evaluated,
by means of blind source signal separation. Results are commented, along with perspectives.


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How to Cite

Jorge, C. A., Seixas, J., Silva, E. A., Waintraub, F., Mól, A. C., & Carvalho, P. V. (2015). A computer vision-based system towards safety for nuclear plants personnel. Instituto De Engenharia Nuclear: Progress Report, (2), 29. Retrieved from https://revistas.ien.gov.br/index.php/ienprogressreport/article/view/145



Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemistry