Characteristics and Graphical User Interface to New Dose Calibrator


  • Marcos Santana Farias Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear
  • Isaac José Antonio Luquetti dos Santos IEN
  • Carlos Borges da Silva IEN
  • Mauro Vitor de Oliveira IEN


Graphical interface, Mobile Device, Nuclear medicine


The  dose  calibrator  is  intended   to measure  the  activity   of  a  radioactive  source  of  a known  isotope.  The new instrument is capable of measuring a current of less than one picoampere. The graphical user interface developed to new dose calibrator uses the human centered design approach, under guidance from LABUCH (Laboratório de Usabilidade e Confiabilidade Humana) of IEN.


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How to Cite

Farias, M. S., dos Santos, I. J. A. L., da Silva, C. B., & de Oliveira, M. V. (2015). Characteristics and Graphical User Interface to New Dose Calibrator. Instituto De Engenharia Nuclear: Progress Report, (2), 37. Retrieved from



Nuclear Instrumentation Development