Research report: a mobile game based on virtual reality tools to inform the population about the nuclear power plant’s emergency plan


  • Lucas Hecht Ferreira Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear
  • Antônio Carlos Mól
  • André Cotelli Espírito-Santo
  • Ana Paula Legey


virtual reality, mobile game, nuclear power plants, emergency plan.


With the growth and expansion of the Brazilian’s nuclear power plants, is important that the population knows the benefits and safety measures of this type of energy. The emergency plans of the Brazilian PWR Angra 1  is a set of instructions that locals should adopt in case of an eventuality . On the other hand, virtual reality applications are used as a trying to promote a more playful, engaging and motivating way of communication and learning. Looking forward at this new technology as a form of the diffusion of science, Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear (IEN – RJ) has made many researches  using virtual reality tools. In this line of thought, this multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary work aims to use VR technology in a 3D computer game to teach about nuclear energy, its benefits and risks, as well as aspects related to the security of installations and population. To this end, an educational game for mobile devices will be developed with the programs SketchUp make and Unity3D Engine allied with the Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017.



PLANO DE EMERGÊNCIA DA CENTRAL NUCLEAR: segurança em primeiro lugar. Eletrobras Eletronuclear, Rio de Janeiro, 2015. Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 8. Fev. 2018.

ZÉ ELÉTRICO: prevenção; calma e segurança. Eletrobras Eletronuclear, Rio de Janeiro,2017 Disponível me: <> Acesso e.: 8 fev. 2018.

SILVA, M. H.; LEGEY, A.P.; MÓL, A. C. A. Review study of virtual reality techniques used at nuclear issues with emphasis. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE - INAC , 7., 2015, Belo Horizonte. Anais… Rio de Janeiro, ABEN, out. 2015. Não paginado.




How to Cite

Ferreira, L. H., Mól, A. C., Espírito-Santo, A. C., & Legey, A. P. (2021). Research report: a mobile game based on virtual reality tools to inform the population about the nuclear power plant’s emergency plan. Instituto De Engenharia Nuclear: Progress Report, (3), 59. Retrieved from



Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemistry