Transient heat transfer analysis up to dryout in 3D fuel rods under unideal conditions through the development of a computer code


  • Rodolfo Ienny Martins Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear
  • Maria de Lourdes Moreira Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear
  • Paulo Augusto Berquó DeSampaio Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear
  • Renato Raoni Werneck Affonso Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear


3D Transient heat transfer, Fuel Rod, Finite Element, PWR


In this report we present analyzes of the behavior of temperature in fuel rods with concentric fuel and perfect cladding, curved, and with dislocated fuel, through the development of a computer code.


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MARTINS, R. I. et al.Transient heat transfer analysis up to dryout in 3D fuel rods under unideal conditions through the development of a computer code. In: INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, - ENFIR - Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Physics and Thermal Hydraulics, 10., 2017, Belo Horizonte. Anais… Rio de Janeiro: ABEN, 2017. Não paginado.

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How to Cite

Martins, R. I., Moreira, M. de L., DeSampaio, P. A. B., & Affonso, R. R. W. (2021). Transient heat transfer analysis up to dryout in 3D fuel rods under unideal conditions through the development of a computer code. Instituto De Engenharia Nuclear: Progress Report, (3), 102. Retrieved from



Engineering and Reactor Safety