Radioactive Source Simulator for Radioprotection Training


  • Marcos Santana Farias IEN
  • Douglas Souza Sales IEN


Radioprotection training, radiation monitor, radio frequency communication, safety.


In many training, the simulation becomes essential. For example, in firearms training or aircraft pilots training and even in medical procedures [1], the simulation for training is very useful, so the principle is very well established.

We have many reasons for the use of simulation: to reduce cost; technological difficulty in providing training without a simulator; to reduce strain on the trainee. We have a more specific reason in the case of radiation protection training, where ionizing radiation sources are necessary: the environment of the trainee is fundamentally hazardous and international regulations forbid any unnecessary exposure of staff [2] – even during training.  A further difficulty in detection training with real radiation sources is the amount of bureaucracy required to move sources to field exercise areas.

The SEINS developed a system for simulation of the use of radiation monitors.

Author Biographies

Marcos Santana Farias, IEN

Divisão de Engenharia Nuclear- DENN

Serviço de Instrumentação - SEINS

Douglas Souza Sales, IEN

Divisão de Engenharia Nuclear- DENN

Serviço de Instrumentação - SEINS


KATZ, A. et al. Simulator training to minimize ionizing radiation exposure in the catheterization laboratory. The International Cardiovascular Imaging. [S.l], v. 33, n. 3, p 303-310, mar. 2017. Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 1 mar. 2018.

INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY SAFETY STANDARS. Radiation protection and safety of radiation sources: international basic safety standards. General safety requirements, v. 3, n. 3. Vienna, 2014, 436 p.

BARLES, J. et al. An overview of training simulation research and systems. In: SCISLAS, Nicolas, The future of interactive drama. In: AUSTRALASIAN CONFERENCE ON INTERACTIVE ENTERTAINMENT. 2., 2005, Sidney, Australia. Anais… Sidney: Creativity & Cognition Studios Press, Nov. 2005, p. 193-199.




How to Cite

Farias, M. S., & Sales, D. S. (2021). Radioactive Source Simulator for Radioprotection Training. Instituto De Engenharia Nuclear: Progress Report, (3), 79. Retrieved from



Nuclear Instrumentation Development