Calculation of volume fractions on biphasic stratified regime using gamma ray scattering


  • William Luna Salgado Instituto de engenharia Nuclear
  • Luis Eduardo Barreira Brandão Instituto de engenharia Nuclear


volume fraction, gamma ray, scattering radiation, MCNP-X code


In the oil industries, interconnected pipelines are used to transport large quantities of petroleum and its byproducts. The same pipeline is used to carry more than one type of product. In the operation of this system, there is a sequence of products to be transported and during the exchange of the product, there are still fractions of the previous product and this generates contaminations. It is therefore important to identify precisely this region in order to reduce the costs of reprocessing and treatment of discarded products. In this way, this work presents a methodology to evaluate the sensitivity of gamma scattering beam technique for fluid volume fractions (FVF) calculate using the MCNP-X code.


PELOWITZ, D. B. MCNP-X TM User’s Manual, Version 2.5.0. [LA-CP-05-0369], New Mexico: Los Alamos National Laboratory, 2005.

KNOLL, G. F. Radiation detection and Measurement. 2. ed., New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1989. 754p.




How to Cite

Salgado, W. L., & Brandão, L. E. B. (2021). Calculation of volume fractions on biphasic stratified regime using gamma ray scattering. Instituto De Engenharia Nuclear: Progress Report, (3), 11. Retrieved from



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