Apparatus for stabilize oil flow profile for accurate fluid flow measurements


  • Luís Eduardo Barreira Brandão Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear - SEQMT


radiotraçadores, flow measurement, oil


Flowmeters installed in a pipeline are subject to the effects that can be affect its performance. These effects depends on flow velocity profile and on the existence of any turbulence inside the fluid being pumped. Because this situation, the equipment calibration factor is valid only if geometric and dynamic similarity exists between the metering and calibration conditions. Another interference is the presence of curves or valves inside the pipeline. All of this affect the fluid flow measurement and make it extremely difficult to guarantee the quality necessary for a accurate flow measurement technique. In this work is shown an apparatus to stabilize oil flow profile in a pipeline.


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How to Cite

Brandão, L. E. B. (2021). Apparatus for stabilize oil flow profile for accurate fluid flow measurements. Instituto De Engenharia Nuclear: Progress Report, (3), 46. Retrieved from



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