Calibration factor for the total count technique


  • Eduardo Ramos Gonçalvez Instituto Federal Fluminense - Macaé


flow profile, RTD, calibration


The correct flow rates measurement is a fundamental problem in oil industry and a variety of invasive techniques is used to measure the oil flow inside a pipeline. One of the best way to calibrate the flowmeters installed in a pipeline is the Total Count Method associated with a radiotracer. This method is simple because it is noninvasive and it uses only one scintillator detector to measure the flow, but is necessary to calibrate he scintillator signal to convert the counts/sec in activity/second. In this work is shown the methodology to compute the calibration factor F used to measure the flowrate.


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How to Cite

Gonçalvez, E. R. (2021). Calibration factor for the total count technique. Instituto De Engenharia Nuclear: Progress Report, (3), 49. Retrieved from



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