Use of Virtual Reality in Creating an Interactive Radioactive Waste Repository


  • André Cotelli do Espírito Santo a:1:{s:5:"pt_BR";s:3:"IEN";}
  • Antônio Carlos De Abreu Mól
  • Ana Paula Legey
  • Daniel Machado Mól


One of CNEN's priority Projects is the Repository for Low and Medium Radiation Radioactive Waste which is related to the disposal of radioactive waste produced in Brazil. This radioactive waste management covers operations that start in their generation and end with their disposal in a repository, with the main objective of managing the waste in a safe way to protect man and nature from negative impacts [1]. The repository is part of the solution for the disposal of radioactive waste produced by nuclear energy activities in the country.

Another important point is to clearly disclose to the public its mode of operation and the safety criteria involved. It is also equally important to create tools that can help in the prior planning of activities to be carried out in areas subject to radiation, estimating possible doses received by operators, so that the limits of radioactive safety are respected. One of the possible ways to accomplish these tasks is using virtual reality [2].

This proposal seeks to use Virtual Reality (VR) technologies to inform and raise awareness among the population about nuclear energy, its benefits, and risks, in addition to the safety aspects of the facilities and the population surrounding nuclear units. For this purpose, it is proposed to use VR capable of assisting in the planning of nuclear installations to be implemented in the country. 




How to Cite

Cotelli do Espírito Santo, A., De Abreu Mól, A. C., Legey, A. P., & Machado Mól, D. (2021). Use of Virtual Reality in Creating an Interactive Radioactive Waste Repository. Instituto De Engenharia Nuclear: Progress Report, (4). Retrieved from



Virtual Reality Applied to Nuclear Area