A virtual reality game to explain the efficiency of the emergency plan safety protocols.


  • Lucas Hecth H. Ferreira a:1:{s:5:"pt_BR";s:6:"IEN RJ";}
  • Antonio Carlos de Abreu Mol
  • A. P. L. Siqueira
  • A. C. E. Santo


With the growth and expansion of Brazilian nuclear plants, it is important to emphasize the benefits and safety of this type of energy. Among the positives, the following can be highlighted: the generation of electric energy, the inspection and non-destructive tests of various types of materials in industries, the dating of fossils and nuclear medicine.

However, even with all these benefits, the population, due to lack of knowledge, does not associate them as the result of nuclear energy. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the load of information that all citizens have available and it is necessary to facilitate access to it, clarifying what nuclear energy really is, as well as all its processes and tasks. Following that, digital games can be a form of awareness for the population, since more and more people live in a connected world, where these solutions are very well accepted by the general population. As an example, computer games, created using Virtual Reality (VR) techniques. VR is a term used to describe a set of techniques and methods dedicated to advanced interfaces, capable of allowing sensory integration between users and machines, generating a greater sense of immersion in the virtual world, allowing one to explore and interact in one virtual world.

In this context, this work plan, aims to use virtual reality technology to illustrate, inform and clarify the population in a playful and interactive way all the security protocols provided by nuclear Power plants in case of an eventuality.




How to Cite

Hecth H. Ferreira, L., de Abreu Mol, A. C., P. L. Siqueira, A., & C. E. Santo, A. (2021). A virtual reality game to explain the efficiency of the emergency plan safety protocols. Instituto De Engenharia Nuclear: Progress Report, (4). Retrieved from https://revistas.ien.gov.br/index.php/ienprogressreport/article/view/508



Virtual Reality Applied to Nuclear Area