Detailed design of the Instrumentation and Control Systems of the Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor - RMB


  • Marcos Santana Farias Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear
  • Paulo Victor Rodrigues de Carvalho Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear
  • Isaac José Antonio Luquetti dos Santos Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear
  • Fabio Lacerda Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear
  • Guilherme Dutra Gonzaga Jaime Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear
  • Claudio Henrique dos Santos Grecco Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear


RMB will be an open pool reactor that uses beryllium as a reflector and heavy water as a moderator and cooling fluid. The reactor has a capacity of 30 MW, and its key requirements are: radioisotope production, to meet national demand; production of thermal and cold neutron beams for research and application in all scientific fields; material and nuclear fuel production for Brazil's nuclear program; neutron activation analysis; and silicon transmutation doping. This report summarizes the work completed during the instrumentation and control (I&C) detailed design.




How to Cite

Santana Farias, M., Rodrigues de Carvalho, P. V., Antonio Luquetti dos Santos, I. J., Lacerda, F., Dutra Gonzaga Jaime, G., & dos Santos Grecco, C. H. (2021). Detailed design of the Instrumentation and Control Systems of the Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor - RMB. Instituto De Engenharia Nuclear: Progress Report, (4). Retrieved from



Nuclear Instrumentation Development