Winclear: An effective nuclear knowledge dissemination tool


  • Cláudio Henrique dos Santos Grecco Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear
  • Jaqueline Vianna Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear
  • Nathalie Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear
  • Gustavo Almeida IBMR / RJ


In this new scenario that the world faces, coupled with physical and social distance, the challenges of education are great and constant. In this scenario, scientific dissemination has a fundamental role regarding the dissemination of knowledge beyond academic publications and research institutions and with the pandemic it has become even more essential to list relevant studies and combat disinformation. Social media should be the facilitators of this connection and interactivity, promoting learning and making it dynamic in the construction of knowledge. In this way, the Winclear Dictionary project was created and adapted to the new reality of information sharing, not just using the traditional model. The project considered the importance of creating learning scenarios compatible with the ability to access at a distance to complement and compose knowledge and thus contribute to its construction.




How to Cite

dos Santos Grecco, C. H., Viana de Souza, J. T., Gaioti, N., & Santos de Almeida, G. V. . (2021). Winclear: An effective nuclear knowledge dissemination tool. Instituto De Engenharia Nuclear: Progress Report, (4). Retrieved from



Nuclear Knowledge Management