The participation of Brazil, as a possible signatory to the Additional Protocol to the Nuclear Safeguards Agreement


  • NATHALIE GAIOTI a:1:{s:5:"pt_BR";s:18:"Marinha do Brasil ";}
  • Cesar Salgado


The participation of Brazil, as a possible signatory to the Additional Protocol to the Nuclear Safeguards Agreement, takes into account a thorough observation of the pros and cons in relation to the current panorama of the development of science and Brazilian Nuclear Policy. Brazil is currently under international pressure to sign the Additional Protocol to the Safeguards Agreement which aims to give more powers to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in its inspections of nuclear activities. A panorama will be drawn that will show the advantages and disadvantages of the rectification for our country, which will culminate in the main objective of this project: whether or not Brazil signs the Additional Protocol and its consequences.




How to Cite

GAIOTI, N., & Salgado, C. (2021). The participation of Brazil, as a possible signatory to the Additional Protocol to the Nuclear Safeguards Agreement. Instituto De Engenharia Nuclear: Progress Report, (4). Retrieved from



Safety and Radiation Protection