About the Journal

The Progress Report IEN presents summaries of research accomplished at Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear. The 2024 edition will cover the period 2021-2022-2023.

ISSN: 2447-6811

Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear (IEN)/Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CNEN)




Current Issue

No. 4 (2021): IEN - Progress Report 2018-2020 n.4
Linha principal do CV-28: lente quadripolar e distribuidor magnético

Summaries of research accomplished at Nuclear Engineering Institute, period 2018-2020.

Published: 2021-08-12

Application of Nuclear Techniques in Health and Environment


Complex Systems Engineering

Materials and Chemistry

Nuclear Instrumentation Development

Nuclear Knowledge Management

Nuclear Reactor Engineering and Technology

Virtual Reality Applied to Nuclear Area

Radiopharmaceuticals Production

View All Issues

The Progress Report IEN, ISSN 2447-6811, is a publication of Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear (Institute of Nuclear Engineering) and presents summaries of work accomplished by the organization's researchers.

As its name indicates, the Progress Report introduces summaries of research results , or part of its results considered relevant. They are not, necessarily, new material, and may have already been published in full in other publishings (always with its references).

The purpose of this journal is to promote the work accomplished at Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear in a journal that brings together the set of achievements of its researchers and formed partnerships.

With three issues already in the current format (the last two using an online platform), to reach internal and external target audiences, this year begins the fourth edition through the updated OJS platform.

The editing of Progress Report IEN is a partnership between the Institute's Library and the area of knowledge management in Nuclear Sciences with the support of the IT Sector.

Learn more about Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear at ien.gov.br